William A. Dillman

Many thanks to my old friend Richard Parker who saw me walking along the road recently and asked if I wanted a lift. Well having known Richard for at least 11 years or more I knew he wanted to show me something. Usually, it is a house or apartment for sale as he has sold more properties than any of the other real estate agents on the coast and works at it very hard to find what the clients are seeking.

So I jumped into his truck and he said today I am going to show you something you will appreciate, the quality and workmanship of the new Sail Hotel in its final stage of construction. Richard knowing I have contracted many large buildings in Sydney, Australia, and other locations around the world, wanted my professional opinion. I can truthfully say the construction I observed was some of the best I have seen in Ecuador in all phases including piping, electrical, and civil, it was all a first-class job. The ballrooms were comparable to hotels in Las Vegas including size and appointments. The attention to detail and the finished work is second to none. This is truly a new vision for quality construction in Ecuador.

I wish to visit again when construction is completed to see all the details they envision put into place. After spending two hours looking at the Hotel Sail, Richard and I spent another couple of hours looking at other new properties around Manta to see how they were coming. I am amazed at the contacts Richard has made in his 11 years here in Manta. If anyone is considering a trip to check out “my home” Manta, Ecuador for retirement I strongly suggest connecting with Richard Parker (ecuadoriancoastalproperties.com) as he knows everyone along the coast and all the procedures for buying homes and getting your visa work as well.

He is always ready to meet and show you all that is available in Manta and all other areas along the coast, with a smile on his face. Even if you decide not to buy anything, Richard makes sure you enjoy your stay in Manta with tours of the jungle and tours of Manta. Richard and his team have sold several properties for my wife and I over the years with excellent results and attention. Feel free to contact me for information.

I have lived in Ecuador for 34 years and still love it. William A. Dillman 305-318-8899 Miami Florida Manta, Ecuador dillman_w@yahoo.com

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