Richard A.

Quito, Ecuador “I tried for several years to locate and to buy properties on the coast of Ecuador. Many Ecuadorians attempted to show me properties during this time. However, all of the properties always turned out to be oranges when I had very specifically asked for apples.

Also, the Ecuadorians attempted on more than one occasion to inflate the values of properties in order to secure for themselves a fat commission. On one such occasion, the property was inflated from the real asking price of $900,000 to an unrealistic price of $2,100,000 thus ensuring the Ecuadorian real estate person a commission of $1,100,000. Needless to say, I did not buy this property nor any other from these salespeople. “Richard Parker was the first person on the coast who showed me apples when I asked for apples. He is also the first and only real estate person who only shows me properties which are represented at a fair price. So, not only do you save time, but you also save money by using his services. Mr. Parker receives my highest recommendation to those who need his services.”

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