Can I finance a home in Ecuador?

Condos in Ciudad del Mar

A friend of mine recently wrote an article about how he became friends with a member in a local bank for several years which helped him in completing the paperwork and getting the go ahead for an approval on a home he was looking at. WELL ??? Not really.

You see when I first came here I applied for a bank account and had to put down how much money on the average that would be coming into the account monthly. I first thought that I did not want to tell anyone here how much money that would be forwarded here monthly. But my attorney said you know if you ever want a loan they would base it on this amount that I gave them. Ok.. I gave them the amount and forgot about it.

Now I cant stop them from calling me and asking if I need a loan. I mean a big loan… So although my friend was trying to say it can be difficult, let me say that it can also be easy. Now I am very well known in the Pichincha Bank from Manta to Quito as I deposit allot of money with them and also bring my clients there and two other bank as well. Literally millions including my clients… So like I said, they know me….
So don’t be afraid to deposit money here as I feel it is a little better than my USA Banks as far as safety goes.

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