Located at 12.5 Kilometers from the center of Manta, Santa Marianita occupies an area of very irregular relief, with hills of average height, of elongated peaks constituted by silty sandstones of fine medium grain. The only flat sector corresponds to the intercoline valley of the Pacoche River, along which a large part of the population is settled in a dispersed form.

This beach is very visited by tourists as it is located in the rural area ideal for those who want to get out of the routine and smock of the city, which offers 1.7 kilometers of beaches ideal for family enjoyment. From hotels, restaurants, as well as schools where you can start Kitesurf courses, and Surfing cataloged by teachers trained abroad as the best beach in Ecuador and some of the best in the world for the practice of this sport, since the natural conditions Strength of the wind, direction and length of Santa Marianita allows to practice it all year, preferably in certain months.